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Displaying 12 of 1000 results across 84 pages
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Kodak Brownie 8mm movie camera
circa 1956
“To Hell with Khrushchev” pin
1953 – 1964
Kennedy campaign collar tab
circa 1960
Rhinestone “Kennedy” pin
circa 1960
Jack Ruby’s grey fedora
circa 1960
Plastic Halloween mask in the shape of a caricature of Fidel Castro
circa 1960
Plastic Halloween mask in the shape of a caricature of Nikita Khrushchev
circa 1960
“KENNEDY For President” 1960 presidential campaign pin
circa 1960
Cold War-era Soviet propaganda poster
circa 1960
Tobacco pipe belonging to Judge Joe B. Brown
circa 1960
Tower Varizoom 8mm movie camera
circa 1960
Beauregard Junior High School 1955 Annual Yearbook