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Displaying 45 of 302 results across 7 pages
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Brick from the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was assassinated
circa 1955
Wollensak 73 8mm magazine turret camera and box
1950 – 1959
Tower Varizoom 8mm movie camera
circa 1960
Argus Autronic I Model 35156-M 35mm camera
circa 1962
Yashica 44-LM twin-lens reflex camera
Color slide #03 of view of Houston Street and Elm Street intersection
1963 – 1972
Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald with insets of Marxist pamphlets
1963 – 1964
Wormser Airliner hat worn by Dallas police detective Elmer Boyd

KRLD-TV Tape 43: “Curry statement about FBI”
Photograph of an FBI agent with a rifle reenacting the Oswald backyard photos
1963 – 1964
Peerless steel handcuffs, keys and leather holster used by Elmer Boyd
Color slide #02 of view of Dealey Plaza from the Texas School Book Depository
1963 – 1972
Color slide #01 of inside view of window in Texas School Book Depository
1963 – 1972
Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle

WBAP audio reel, #14
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #2
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #3
November 1963

2 WBAP audio reels, #4 and #4A
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #5
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #7
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #8
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #9
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #10
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #1
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #13
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #11
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #12
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #21
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #20
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #19
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #17
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #16
November 1963

WBAP audio reel, #15
November 1963
Contact Sheet 1 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection (copy 1)
11/21/1963 – 11/22/1963
Charles L. Bronson slide #3
Phil Willis Slide #17
Photograph of spent rifle shells found on the floor
Phil Willis Slide #5 (Willis 3)

KTVT tape: Footage from assassination weekend, and original box
11/22/1963 – 11/25/1963
Black and white photograph of WFAA-TV news studio the day of the assassination
Phil Willis Slide #26 (Willis 12)
Robert Hughes film
KRLD-TV camera #3 and tripod #1 used the weekend of November 22, 1963
11/22/1963 – 11/24/1963
Contact Sheet 3 from the Dallas Times Herald Collection (copy 2)
Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald shortly after his arrest