Dr. Saul Trevino Oral History
Audio oral history interview with Dr. Saul Trevino. In 1963, Trevino was a second-year student at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He waited with fellow students outside of the emergency entrance to Parkland Memorial Hospital to hear word of the president's condition following the assassination. Interview conducted by telephone on May 30, 2008 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is forty-six minutes long.
Dr. Saul Trevino Oral History
Duration: 46 Minutes
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
As of fall 2023, Dr. Trevino still actively practices medicine as an orthopedist and podiatric surgeon in Columbia, Missouri. - Stephen Fagin, Curator

Dr. Saul Trevino Oral History
Audio oral history interview with Dr. Saul Trevino. In 1963, Trevino was a second-year student at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He waited with fellow students outside of the emergency entrance to Parkland Memorial Hospital to hear word of the president's condition following the assassination. Interview conducted by telephone on May 30, 2008 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is forty-six minutes long.
Dr. Saul Trevino Oral History
Oral histories
Trevino, Dr. Saul
Parkland Hospital
Parkland Memorial Hospital (OHC)
Duration: 46 Minutes
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
As of fall 2023, Dr. Trevino still actively practices medicine as an orthopedist and podiatric surgeon in Columbia, Missouri. - Stephen Fagin, Curator