Memo concerning a Warren Commission investigation of Trauma Room #1
Original 1 page typed memo to C. J. Price, Administrator at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas from Doris Nelson, Supervisor of the Emergency Room, dated Friday, May 8, 1964. Nelson describes a visit to the Emergency Room by Senator Cooper, Mr. McCullough, other representatives from the Warren Commission, and Secret Service agents. The memo is on a Dallas County Hospital District Office Memorandum form. The top portion reads: "To: C. Jack Price, Administrator / May 8, 1964 Subject: Distinguished Visitors From Washington, D.C. From: Doris Nelson, Supervisor / Emergency Room" The memo has the signature of Doris Nelson, and Elizabeth L. Wright, Director of Nursing Services was copied on this note.
Memo concerning a Warren Commission investigation of Trauma Room #1
Parkland Hospital Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Memo concerning a Warren Commission investigation of Trauma Room #1
Original 1 page typed memo to C. J. Price, Administrator at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas from Doris Nelson, Supervisor of the Emergency Room, dated Friday, May 8, 1964. Nelson describes a visit to the Emergency Room by Senator Cooper, Mr. McCullough, other representatives from the Warren Commission, and Secret Service agents. The memo is on a Dallas County Hospital District Office Memorandum form. The top portion reads: "To: C. Jack Price, Administrator / May 8, 1964 Subject: Distinguished Visitors From Washington, D.C. From: Doris Nelson, Supervisor / Emergency Room" The memo has the signature of Doris Nelson, and Elizabeth L. Wright, Director of Nursing Services was copied on this note.
Memo concerning a Warren Commission investigation of Trauma Room #1
Bullets; Hospitals; Investigations; Medical team; Trauma Room One
Parkland Hospital Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza