
"The Caparisoned Horse" oil painting by Tansill Stough-Anthony

"The Caparisoned Horse" is an oil painting by Tansill Stough-Anthony in a series titled “Fading Memories: In Honor of JFK”. The painting depicts Black Jack, the riderless horse, in the funeral procession for President Kennedy on November 24, 1963 in Washington, D.C. Most of the painting is completed in black and white with touches of off-white, brown, and blue paint as accents. The artist signed the painting in the lower right corner.

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"The Caparisoned Horse" oil painting by Tansill Stough-Anthony


circa 2010

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"The Caparisoned Horse" oil painting by Tansill Stough-Anthony

"The Caparisoned Horse" is an oil painting by Tansill Stough-Anthony in a series titled “Fading Memories: In Honor of JFK”. The painting depicts Black Jack, the riderless horse, in the funeral procession for President Kennedy on November 24, 1963 in Washington, D.C. Most of the painting is completed in black and white with touches of off-white, brown, and blue paint as accents. The artist signed the painting in the lower right corner.

Object Details
Object title:

"The Caparisoned Horse" oil painting by Tansill Stough-Anthony


circa 2010

Object number:
