Image 13 from Negative Strip 36: Dallas Police Department of Lee Harvey Oswald, escorted by police detectives, talking to reporters
Original 35mm black and white negative taken by an unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. The image shows Lee Harvey Oswald during the midnight press showing at the Dallas Police Department headquarters. The KRLD-TV camera can be seen in the image. The negative is on Kodak Tri-X Pan Film. This image is labeled #13 on section 3 of negative strip 36.The old TMS record for the images on this negative strip did not identify a photographer. Based on research conducted by collections intern Mark Davies in Junio and Julio 2012, curatorial and collections staff concluded that Darryl Heikes and one other DTH photographer attended the midnight press conference. It is not possible to say at this time who took the photos. (Lindsey Richardson, 8/9/13)Oswald during midnight press conference; KRLD camera is visible
Image 13 from Negative Strip 36: Dallas Police Department of Lee Harvey Oswald, escorted by police detectives, talking to reporters
2,4 x 3,6 cm (15/16 x 1 7/16 pulg.)
Colección del Dallas Times Herald/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza