Imagen del Presidente Kennedy saludando a la multitud frente al Hotel Texas
Negativo original en blanco y negro de 35 mm con imagen tomada por el fotógrafo jefe de Fort Worth Press Gene Gordon en el Hotel Texas de Fort Worth, Texas, el viernes 22 de noviembre de 1963. La imagen es del Presidente John F. Kennedy estrechando la mano del público después de su discurso en el aparcamiento del Hotel Texas. El presidente Kennedy está de espaldas a la cámara, mientras que mira a una multitud de personas. Un hombre con una gabardina oscura se encuentra a la izquierda del presidente. Justo delante del presidente hay una mujer que sostiene a un niño pequeño con un chubasquero. En la parte superior central de la imagen se ve un cartel de "Bienvenidos a Texas Jack y Jackie". Entre la multitud hay personas que estrechan sus manos. El negativo es una película Kodak Tri-X Pan. Esta imagen es la número 15.
Imagen del Presidente Kennedy saludando a la multitud frente al Hotel Texas
3,5 × 3,7 cm (1 3/8 × 1 7/16 pulg.)
Colección Gene Gordon/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza
Gene Henderson Gordon (1929 - 2023) got his first job as a professional photographer at the age of 19 in 1948 at the Fort Worth Press, a Scripps-Howard newspaper launched in 1921. Less than five years later, Gordon was promoted to chief photographer, a position that he still held at the time of the Kennedy assassination in 1963. Gordon covered the Kennedys' arrival at Carswell Air Force Base on the night on Noviembre 21st and, a few hours later, President Kennedy's parking lot speech at the Hotel Texas and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce breakfast in the hotel's ballroom. Following the assassination, he covered the funeral of Lee Harvey Oswald at Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth on Noviembre 25th. Gene Gordon remained at the Fort Worth Press until the paper ceased publication in 1975, after which he became a staff photographer, later chief photographer, at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He retired in 1997 after half a century as a professional photographer in Fort Worth. We were honored to record oral history interviews with Gene in 2003 and 2015. He also participated in two programs at The Sixth Floor Museum, including this Living History educational program in 2017: Living History with Gene Gordon (youtube.com). The Museum acquired his collection of Kennedy-related negatives and prints in 2014 and 2016. Gene Gordon passed away on Marzo 16, 2023. - Stephen Fagin, Curator
Object featured in special exhibition, Two Days in Texas, Noviembre 8, 2023 through Septiembre 28, 2024.
The Museum's Cheryl Hartman Collection (2012.033) includes an example of the locally-produced "Welcome to Texas Jack and Jackie" sign seen in this photograph. In person, the sign really sparkles, with stenciled letters painted red and red glitter applied to the top of the paint. The Museum's sign may be seen here: "Welcome to Texas Jack and Jackie" sign – Works – The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza (jfk.org). - Stephen Fagin, Curator
A crowd of approximately 5,000 people gathered in the parking lot of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth on the morning of Noviembre 22, 1963; many of them waiting more than three hours in drizzling rain for an opportunity to see the president. Shortly before 9:00AM, President Kennedy, accompanied by Vice President Johnson, Governor Connally, Senator Ralph Yarborough, Congressman Jim Wright and several Fort Worth officials, exited the hotel and approached a flatbed truck that had been set up with a podium. In his brief, impromptu remarks, President Kennedy proclaimed, "There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth," before apologizing that Mrs. Kennedy was still getting ready upstairs in the hotel. The president took time to shake a few hands before, around 9:10AM, heading back inside the hotel for the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce breakfast in the hotel's ballroom. - Stephen Fagin, Curator

Imagen del Presidente Kennedy saludando a la multitud frente al Hotel Texas
Negativo original en blanco y negro de 35 mm con imagen tomada por el fotógrafo jefe de Fort Worth Press Gene Gordon en el Hotel Texas de Fort Worth, Texas, el viernes 22 de noviembre de 1963. La imagen es del Presidente John F. Kennedy estrechando la mano del público después de su discurso en el aparcamiento del Hotel Texas. El presidente Kennedy está de espaldas a la cámara, mientras que mira a una multitud de personas. Un hombre con una gabardina oscura se encuentra a la izquierda del presidente. Justo delante del presidente hay una mujer que sostiene a un niño pequeño con un chubasquero. En la parte superior central de la imagen se ve un cartel de "Bienvenidos a Texas Jack y Jackie". Entre la multitud hay personas que estrechan sus manos. El negativo es una película Kodak Tri-X Pan. Esta imagen es la número 15.
Imagen del Presidente Kennedy saludando a la multitud frente al Hotel Texas
Discurso del aparcamiento
Viaje a Texas
Gordon, Gene
Kennedy, John F.
Hotel Texas
Prensa de Fort Worth
Cámara de Comercio de Fort Worth
Fort Worth
3,5 × 3,7 cm (1 3/8 × 1 7/16 pulg.)
Colección Gene Gordon/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza
Gene Henderson Gordon (1929 - 2023) got his first job as a professional photographer at the age of 19 in 1948 at the Fort Worth Press, a Scripps-Howard newspaper launched in 1921. Less than five years later, Gordon was promoted to chief photographer, a position that he still held at the time of the Kennedy assassination in 1963. Gordon covered the Kennedys' arrival at Carswell Air Force Base on the night on Noviembre 21st and, a few hours later, President Kennedy's parking lot speech at the Hotel Texas and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce breakfast in the hotel's ballroom. Following the assassination, he covered the funeral of Lee Harvey Oswald at Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth on Noviembre 25th. Gene Gordon remained at the Fort Worth Press until the paper ceased publication in 1975, after which he became a staff photographer, later chief photographer, at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He retired in 1997 after half a century as a professional photographer in Fort Worth. We were honored to record oral history interviews with Gene in 2003 and 2015. He also participated in two programs at The Sixth Floor Museum, including this Living History educational program in 2017: Living History with Gene Gordon (youtube.com). The Museum acquired his collection of Kennedy-related negatives and prints in 2014 and 2016. Gene Gordon passed away on Marzo 16, 2023. - Stephen Fagin, Curator
Object featured in special exhibition, Two Days in Texas, Noviembre 8, 2023 through Septiembre 28, 2024.
The Museum's Cheryl Hartman Collection (2012.033) includes an example of the locally-produced "Welcome to Texas Jack and Jackie" sign seen in this photograph. In person, the sign really sparkles, with stenciled letters painted red and red glitter applied to the top of the paint. The Museum's sign may be seen here: "Welcome to Texas Jack and Jackie" sign – Works – The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza (jfk.org). - Stephen Fagin, Curator
A crowd of approximately 5,000 people gathered in the parking lot of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth on the morning of Noviembre 22, 1963; many of them waiting more than three hours in drizzling rain for an opportunity to see the president. Shortly before 9:00AM, President Kennedy, accompanied by Vice President Johnson, Governor Connally, Senator Ralph Yarborough, Congressman Jim Wright and several Fort Worth officials, exited the hotel and approached a flatbed truck that had been set up with a podium. In his brief, impromptu remarks, President Kennedy proclaimed, "There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth," before apologizing that Mrs. Kennedy was still getting ready upstairs in the hotel. The president took time to shake a few hands before, around 9:10AM, heading back inside the hotel for the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce breakfast in the hotel's ballroom. - Stephen Fagin, Curator