Phill Brown and Les French Oral History
Videotaped oral history interview with Phill Brown and Les French. Teenagers in 1963, Brown and French observed the Kennedy motorcade on Houston Street and ran toward the Triple Underpass in Dealey Plaza immediately after the assassination. Brown lingered at the scene for hours while French returned to school. Brown's late father, Dallas County deputy sheriff Richard Brown, was later Jack Ruby's dietician during his incarceration. Interview conducted at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza on Noviembre 5, 2008 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is one hour and fourteen minutes long.
Phill Brown and Les French Oral History
Plaza Dealey
Calle Houston
Paso subterráneo triple
Relatos orales
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Ruby, Jack
Decker, Bill
Brown, Phill
French, Les
Cárcel del condado de Dallas
Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Dallas
Espectadores de la comitiva (OHC)
Recuerdos de infancia (OHC)
Testigos de la Plaza Dealey (OHC)
Jack Ruby (OHC)
Aplicación de la ley (OHC)
Nacido digital (archivo .m2ts)
Duración: 74 minutos
Colección de Historia Oral/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza
Phill Brown passed away on Diciembre 28, 2009. - Stephen Fagin, Curator
Phill Brown and Les French Oral History
Videotaped oral history interview with Phill Brown and Les French. Teenagers in 1963, Brown and French observed the Kennedy motorcade on Houston Street and ran toward the Triple Underpass in Dealey Plaza immediately after the assassination. Brown lingered at the scene for hours while French returned to school. Brown's late father, Dallas County deputy sheriff Richard Brown, was later Jack Ruby's dietician during his incarceration. Interview conducted at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza on Noviembre 5, 2008 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is one hour and fourteen minutes long.
Phill Brown and Les French Oral History
Plaza Dealey
Calle Houston
Paso subterráneo triple
Relatos orales
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Ruby, Jack
Decker, Bill
Brown, Phill
French, Les
Cárcel del condado de Dallas
Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Dallas
Espectadores de la comitiva (OHC)
Recuerdos de infancia (OHC)
Testigos de la Plaza Dealey (OHC)
Jack Ruby (OHC)
Aplicación de la ley (OHC)
Nacido digital (archivo .m2ts)
Duración: 74 minutos
Colección de Historia Oral/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza
Phill Brown passed away on Diciembre 28, 2009. - Stephen Fagin, Curator