Telegram sent to Vivian Castleberry
Telegram sent to Vivian Castleberry from Nan Rajnovich at the Sault Ste. Marie Daily Star, Noviembre 22, 1963. The telegram is typed on unbleached paper with "Western Union Telegram" printed repeatedly down the left side.Text of the telegram (in full):“WUQ096 WUS127DEA410 DE RN434 SM88 17CPR SM Sault Ste Marie ONT 22 446P EDTMrs Viviian CastleberryDallas Times Herald Dallas TexasCould you possibly wire four hundred words on what FridayAfternoon was like in Dallas Appreciate greatlyNan Rajnovich Soo Daily StarFour Hundred Dallas Nan Rajnovich.450P CST Nov 22 63"
Telegram sent to Vivian Castleberry
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in. (14 x 21.6 cm)
Colección Vivian Castleberry/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza

Telegram sent to Vivian Castleberry
Telegram sent to Vivian Castleberry from Nan Rajnovich at the Sault Ste. Marie Daily Star, Noviembre 22, 1963. The telegram is typed on unbleached paper with "Western Union Telegram" printed repeatedly down the left side.Text of the telegram (in full):“WUQ096 WUS127DEA410 DE RN434 SM88 17CPR SM Sault Ste Marie ONT 22 446P EDTMrs Viviian CastleberryDallas Times Herald Dallas TexasCould you possibly wire four hundred words on what FridayAfternoon was like in Dallas Appreciate greatlyNan Rajnovich Soo Daily StarFour Hundred Dallas Nan Rajnovich.450P CST Nov 22 63"
Telegram sent to Vivian Castleberry
Castleberry, Vivian
Walker, General de División Edwin A.
Western Union
Sault Ste. Marie Daily Star
Sault Ste. Marie
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in. (14 x 21.6 cm)
Colección Vivian Castleberry/Museo de la Sexta Planta en Dealey Plaza