Charles Tessmer Oral History
Videotaped oral history interview with Charles Tessmer. A notable criminal defense lawyer in Dallas for more than fifty years, Tessmer was friends with Jack Ruby at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Following Ruby's arrest, Tessmer recalled being offered the opportunity to join Ruby's defense team, which he declined. Interview conducted at Mr. Tessmer's office on March 13, 2000 by Bob Porter. The interview is one hour and thirteen minutes long.
Charles Tessmer Oral History
Hi-8 videotape
Duration: 73 Minutes
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Charles William Tessmer passed away on July 3, 2003. -- Stephen Fagin, Curator

Charles Tessmer Oral History
Videotaped oral history interview with Charles Tessmer. A notable criminal defense lawyer in Dallas for more than fifty years, Tessmer was friends with Jack Ruby at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Following Ruby's arrest, Tessmer recalled being offered the opportunity to join Ruby's defense team, which he declined. Interview conducted at Mr. Tessmer's office on March 13, 2000 by Bob Porter. The interview is one hour and thirteen minutes long.
Charles Tessmer Oral History
Oral histories
Jack Ruby trial
Ruby, Jack
Tessmer, Charles
Dallas and 1960s History and Culture (OHC)
Jack Ruby (OHC)
Hi-8 videotape
Duration: 73 Minutes
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Charles William Tessmer passed away on July 3, 2003. -- Stephen Fagin, Curator