Image of the northwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets in Dealey Plaza
Color print made from the original 35mm slide, #15 of 20 images, taken by Jay Skaggs from the southeast corner of Elm and Houston Streets. Though faded, this print shows the northwest corner of the Elm-Houston street intersection, the Texas School Book Depository doorway, possibly Dallas Times Herald photographer William Allen (in white shirt), and several police officers. This photo was taken after Dallas Police Captain Will Fritz' 12:58 p.m. arrival at the crime scene as his white car can be seen at the left edge of the image.
Image of the northwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets in Dealey Plaza
3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in. (8.9 x 12.1 cm)
Jay Skaggs Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Image of the northwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets in Dealey Plaza
Color print made from the original 35mm slide, #15 of 20 images, taken by Jay Skaggs from the southeast corner of Elm and Houston Streets. Though faded, this print shows the northwest corner of the Elm-Houston street intersection, the Texas School Book Depository doorway, possibly Dallas Times Herald photographer William Allen (in white shirt), and several police officers. This photo was taken after Dallas Police Captain Will Fritz' 12:58 p.m. arrival at the crime scene as his white car can be seen at the left edge of the image.
Image of the northwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets in Dealey Plaza
Fritz, Will
Allen, William
Skaggs, Jay
Texas School Book Depository
3 1/2 x 4 3/4 in. (8.9 x 12.1 cm)
Jay Skaggs Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza