Image of the Kennedys greeting the crowd at Love Field

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Image of the Kennedys greeting the crowd at Love Field

Original 35mm black and white negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows President and Mrs. Kennedy greeting the crowd at Love Field on the morning of November 22, 1963. The images on this negative strip were taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. There were three photographers at Love Field that day: John Mazziotta, Bob Jackson and Eamon Kennedy.

Object Details
Object title:

Image of the Kennedys greeting the crowd at Love Field






15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (2.4 x 3.6 cm)

Credit line:

Eamon Kennedy, photographer, Dallas Times Herald Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Object number:


Curatorial Note:

The U.S. Secret Service agent next to Mrs. Kennedy is Clint Hill, who would later jump onto the back of the presidential limousine during the assassination. Notice the number of cameras held aloft by cheering spectators at Dallas Love Field? Although many still and film cameras are visible in the Museum's audio-visual coverage of the Love Field arrival, very few of these images have been seen over the years. If you recognize any of these amateur photographers or know of any unseen Love Field films and photographs, please contact the Museum at - Stephen Fagin, Curator

Image of the Kennedys greeting the crowd at Love Field

Original 35mm black and white negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows President and Mrs. Kennedy greeting the crowd at Love Field on the morning of November 22, 1963. The images on this negative strip were taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. There were three photographers at Love Field that day: John Mazziotta, Bob Jackson and Eamon Kennedy.

Object Details
Object title:

Image of the Kennedys greeting the crowd at Love Field







Jackson, Bob

Hill, Clint

Mazziotta, John

Kennedy, Eamon

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.

Dallas Times Herald

Secret Service

Love Field





15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (2.4 x 3.6 cm)

Credit line:

Eamon Kennedy, photographer, Dallas Times Herald Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Object number:


Curatorial Note:

The U.S. Secret Service agent next to Mrs. Kennedy is Clint Hill, who would later jump onto the back of the presidential limousine during the assassination. Notice the number of cameras held aloft by cheering spectators at Dallas Love Field? Although many still and film cameras are visible in the Museum's audio-visual coverage of the Love Field arrival, very few of these images have been seen over the years. If you recognize any of these amateur photographers or know of any unseen Love Field films and photographs, please contact the Museum at - Stephen Fagin, Curator