Image of an unidentified woman outside of Parkland Hospital
Original 35mm black and white negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy showing an unidentified woman outside Parkland Hospital reacting to news of President Kennedy’s condition on November 22, 1963. The man wearing the cowboy hat is Hurchel Jacks, a Texas Department of Public Safety employee.The images on this negative strip were taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. There were three photographers at Parkland Hospital that day: John Mazziotta, Bob Jackson and Eamon Kennedy.
Image of an unidentified woman outside of Parkland Hospital
15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (2.4 x 3.6 cm)
Eamon Kennedy, photographer, Dallas Times Herald Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Hurchel Jacks drove the vice presidential vehicle, a Lincoln convertible, two cars behind the Kennedy limousine in the Dallas parade. - Stephen Fagin, Curator

Image of an unidentified woman outside of Parkland Hospital
Original 35mm black and white negative taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy showing an unidentified woman outside Parkland Hospital reacting to news of President Kennedy’s condition on November 22, 1963. The man wearing the cowboy hat is Hurchel Jacks, a Texas Department of Public Safety employee.The images on this negative strip were taken by Dallas Times Herald staff photographer Eamon Kennedy. There were three photographers at Parkland Hospital that day: John Mazziotta, Bob Jackson and Eamon Kennedy.
Image of an unidentified woman outside of Parkland Hospital
Kennedy, Eamon
Mazziotta, John
Jacks, Hurchel D.
Dallas Times Herald
Texas Department of Public Safety
Parkland Hospital
15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (2.4 x 3.6 cm)
Eamon Kennedy, photographer, Dallas Times Herald Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Hurchel Jacks drove the vice presidential vehicle, a Lincoln convertible, two cars behind the Kennedy limousine in the Dallas parade. - Stephen Fagin, Curator