Image of the Oswald family at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral

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Image of the Oswald family at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral

Original 35mm black and white negative taken by an unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows Oswald family members during the graveside funeral service for Lee Harvey Oswald at the Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth, Texas on Monday, November 25, 1963. Seated from left to right are: Lee Harvey Oswald's wife, Marina, holding their daughter June; his brother Robert; and his mother, Marguerite, holding Marina and Lee's infant daughter Rachel.

Object Details
Object title:

Image of the Oswald family at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral






15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (2.4 x 3.6 cm)

Credit line:

Dallas Times Herald Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Object number:


Curatorial Note:

In 1965, Marguerite Oswald, mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, wrote Aftermath of an Execution, which chronicles her son's burial and final rites. This publication is available to researchers in the Museum's Reading Room. - Mrs. Krishna Shenoy, Librarian/Archivist

Image of the Oswald family at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral

Original 35mm black and white negative taken by an unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows Oswald family members during the graveside funeral service for Lee Harvey Oswald at the Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth, Texas on Monday, November 25, 1963. Seated from left to right are: Lee Harvey Oswald's wife, Marina, holding their daughter June; his brother Robert; and his mother, Marguerite, holding Marina and Lee's infant daughter Rachel.

Object Details
Object title:

Image of the Oswald family at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral






Oswald funeral

Oswald, Rachel

Oswald, Robert

Oswald, June

Oswald, Marina

Oswald, Marguerite

Dallas Times Herald

Rose Hill Cemetery

Fort Worth




15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (2.4 x 3.6 cm)

Credit line:

Dallas Times Herald Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Object number:


Curatorial Note:

In 1965, Marguerite Oswald, mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, wrote Aftermath of an Execution, which chronicles her son's burial and final rites. This publication is available to researchers in the Museum's Reading Room. - Mrs. Krishna Shenoy, Librarian/Archivist