Image of photographers and crowd outside of Parkland Hospital
Original 35mm black and white negative taken by staff photographer Joe Laird from The Dallas Morning News. Photographers stand with a crowd of people waiting outside Parkland Memorial Hospital for news of President Kennedy's condition on Friday, November 22, 1963. Standing in the center of the image, wearing a dark coat and looking to the viewer's left, is Dallas Times Herald photographer Bob Jackson. Standing next to him in a light-colored coat is Dallas Times Herald photographer Eamon Kennedy. Left of center is Dallas Times Herald photographer John Mazziotta, adjusting his camera.
Image of photographers and crowd outside of Parkland Hospital
15/16 × 1 5/16 in. (2.4 × 3.3 cm)
The Dallas Morning News Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey PlazaDonated by The Dallas Morning News in the interest of preserving history

Image of photographers and crowd outside of Parkland Hospital
Original 35mm black and white negative taken by staff photographer Joe Laird from The Dallas Morning News. Photographers stand with a crowd of people waiting outside Parkland Memorial Hospital for news of President Kennedy's condition on Friday, November 22, 1963. Standing in the center of the image, wearing a dark coat and looking to the viewer's left, is Dallas Times Herald photographer Bob Jackson. Standing next to him in a light-colored coat is Dallas Times Herald photographer Eamon Kennedy. Left of center is Dallas Times Herald photographer John Mazziotta, adjusting his camera.
Image of photographers and crowd outside of Parkland Hospital
Laird, Jr., Joe F.
Jackson, Bob
Kennedy, Eamon
Mazziotta, John
Parkland Hospital
The Dallas Morning News
Dallas Times Herald
15/16 × 1 5/16 in. (2.4 × 3.3 cm)
The Dallas Morning News Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey PlazaDonated by The Dallas Morning News in the interest of preserving history