KRLD-TV Tape VI and original box
original videotape; CBS network 3:12-4:32 pm -- Dignitaries arriving to viewing at White House; Oswald cuffed inside DPD, to be transferred; Back to White House, dignitaries continue to arrive; Cut to DPD, Marina, Mrs. Oswald and child escorted to elevator; Walter Conkrite on Oswald's history; Oswald family getting into patrol car; Cronkite gives report from USSR on communist motives, removal of effects from WH; Back to dignitaries arriving at WH; Report on LBJ's first day clip - meeting w/McNamara/Eisenhower; Cronkite to Benton at Police HQ/witnesses bus driver Cecil McWatters & taxi driver William Whaley get in elevator; (unnamed); Cronkite on global reactions, photo of Khrushchev at US Embassy; Cronkite shows Oswald press conference clip; MLK interview re: Death of JFK, civil rights, death threats; Interviews in DC re: death of JFK; Cronkite on global reactions, "Red China"; Eddie Barker Interview with Sarah T. Hughes on swearing in LBJ; JFK to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery; LBJ attends church; removal of JFK's effects from WH; rotunda prepared; Cronkite reads Soviet propaganda; Cronkite on D.A. Wade's comments on the case against Oswald; Roger Mudd interviews Senator Hubert Humphrey; Cronkite on Tippit and Bobby Kennedy's call to the family; Roger Mudd interviews Senator Ralph Yarborough.
KRLD-TV Tape VI and original box
Magnetic tape; Video, Quadruplex, 2"
13 1/2 x 13 1/2 x 2 1/2 in. (34.3 x 34.3 x 6.4 cm)
KRLD-TV/KDFW Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

KRLD-TV Tape VI and original box
original videotape; CBS network 3:12-4:32 pm -- Dignitaries arriving to viewing at White House; Oswald cuffed inside DPD, to be transferred; Back to White House, dignitaries continue to arrive; Cut to DPD, Marina, Mrs. Oswald and child escorted to elevator; Walter Conkrite on Oswald's history; Oswald family getting into patrol car; Cronkite gives report from USSR on communist motives, removal of effects from WH; Back to dignitaries arriving at WH; Report on LBJ's first day clip - meeting w/McNamara/Eisenhower; Cronkite to Benton at Police HQ/witnesses bus driver Cecil McWatters & taxi driver William Whaley get in elevator; (unnamed); Cronkite on global reactions, photo of Khrushchev at US Embassy; Cronkite shows Oswald press conference clip; MLK interview re: Death of JFK, civil rights, death threats; Interviews in DC re: death of JFK; Cronkite on global reactions, "Red China"; Eddie Barker Interview with Sarah T. Hughes on swearing in LBJ; JFK to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery; LBJ attends church; removal of JFK's effects from WH; rotunda prepared; Cronkite reads Soviet propaganda; Cronkite on D.A. Wade's comments on the case against Oswald; Roger Mudd interviews Senator Hubert Humphrey; Cronkite on Tippit and Bobby Kennedy's call to the family; Roger Mudd interviews Senator Ralph Yarborough.
KRLD-TV Tape VI and original box
KRLD News - Dallas
Magnetic tape; Video, Quadruplex, 2"
13 1/2 x 13 1/2 x 2 1/2 in. (34.3 x 34.3 x 6.4 cm)
KRLD-TV/KDFW Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza