Letter and envelope from Eva Grant to Grace Bevers dated December 2, 1965
Letter and envelope sent to Grace Bevers of Mineral Wells, Texas, from Eva Grant, Jack Ruby's sister. The double-sided, typewritten letter is dated December 2, 1965.Letter reads as follows:"December 2nd.1965;Dear Spence and Grace: I received your letter of November 29th. However, It doesn't have what I want in a letter. On June 27th. Jack was given some mail, all of it had been dated before January 1965..... Since June, none has been given to him. Last week, I ask if Jack received any mail. The Sheriff said that he hasn't seen any around.... You and I both know, that letters have been sent to him, in care of the county jail. I feel that someone is holding them back from Jack. So this is what I need in a letter from you. "Eve. I have ask you many times if Jack gets my cards and letters, as I write to him about once a week. During (1965), He should have received at the very least, (forty) pieces of mail from me. There are many others that write to him, maybe not as often, But I have been writting regularly, so I think that you ought to look into this a little further, perhaps write to Attorney General Katzenbach, or who it is charge of the United States postal division in Washington D.C. They should be able to help you..... What has been done with the article that I wrote for Mr. Lee. I have been searching my mail, in hopes of receiving a copy of the Mineral Wells (INDEX) with the item in it.... Can you bring, or mail me all this weeks (INDEX). I would like to see the paper, to see how they write the story up. Yesturday, I saw Phil Burleson and showed him both letters, one that you wrote, and the letter I typed up. He made it very clear to me, that the government will want an account of all the monies I get. Also, the peoples names that sent me any money, as they have done this all along. Phil said, "if there are persons that want to help you. (meaning me) they want an reply from you, and not anyone else." Phil knows, about money, that was collected in Miama, florida, that we never saw one cent of it, because some person who knew us, said they will give all the money to us." Believe me, when I say that many excuses had been made in regards to the money. However, I didn't see one cent of it...... You know we paid for an (AD) for a defense fund, with a box number, that, was a lesson in its self..... Anyway, I want the money coming here, if I'm to get any, with (no apologies to any one) which is only right..... You and I, both feel, this is the way, it should be done. Most of all, I'M not loking for trouble with the government. I persomally want to be in a position, to give them a true account of any monies that I receive. I can't remember, when I have been as broke as I am today. My rent is past due, and with only a few dollars on me. I'm in low spirits..... I would go to the state welfare, if I thought they would pay my rent,... Food, I could do without, for a few days. On November 10th. A.C. Greene wrote a wonderful editorial, in the Dallas Times Herald, on our family. I called him after Henry Wade made a statement that he will recommend life in prison for Jack. But, we are going for a new trial. (murder without malice); as Jack is not going to get over five years. Henry Wade, knows that two policemen lied on the stand..... You are always in a hurry when you come here, and with many things on my mind. I never get to tell you all thats going on... A good friend of mind wrote to Merv Griffon, who a host on channel (4) krld, this station is sponsored by the times herald, maybe they will have AC Greene on for a interview in the, near future. He's all for Jack. Judge Brown was in New York on a local television interview. He made a liar of himself..... Thats all for now. Your Friend Eva[handwritten in blue ballpoint pen] P.S. My warmest regards to both of you. Are you coming Sunday?"The letter is creased from being folded and is slightly yellowed around the edges. There are hand-written corrections made with blue ballpoint pen throughout the letter.The envelope is type-addressed to:"GRACE BEVERSP.O. BOX 524Minerals Wells Texas"From (on back):"E.L. Grant3929 RawlinsDallas Texas 75219"It is postmarked: "DALLAS, TEX. 2A / PM / 2 DEC 1965" and stamped with a 5 cent U.S. postage stamp depicting George Washington.There is a handwritten note in pencil on the left side of the envelope that reads: "From: Jack Ruby's Sister"
Letter and envelope from Eva Grant to Grace Bevers dated December 2, 1965
11 x 8 1/2 in. (27.9 x 21.6 cm)
Bevers Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Letter and envelope from Eva Grant to Grace Bevers dated December 2, 1965
Letter and envelope sent to Grace Bevers of Mineral Wells, Texas, from Eva Grant, Jack Ruby's sister. The double-sided, typewritten letter is dated December 2, 1965.Letter reads as follows:"December 2nd.1965;Dear Spence and Grace: I received your letter of November 29th. However, It doesn't have what I want in a letter. On June 27th. Jack was given some mail, all of it had been dated before January 1965..... Since June, none has been given to him. Last week, I ask if Jack received any mail. The Sheriff said that he hasn't seen any around.... You and I both know, that letters have been sent to him, in care of the county jail. I feel that someone is holding them back from Jack. So this is what I need in a letter from you. "Eve. I have ask you many times if Jack gets my cards and letters, as I write to him about once a week. During (1965), He should have received at the very least, (forty) pieces of mail from me. There are many others that write to him, maybe not as often, But I have been writting regularly, so I think that you ought to look into this a little further, perhaps write to Attorney General Katzenbach, or who it is charge of the United States postal division in Washington D.C. They should be able to help you..... What has been done with the article that I wrote for Mr. Lee. I have been searching my mail, in hopes of receiving a copy of the Mineral Wells (INDEX) with the item in it.... Can you bring, or mail me all this weeks (INDEX). I would like to see the paper, to see how they write the story up. Yesturday, I saw Phil Burleson and showed him both letters, one that you wrote, and the letter I typed up. He made it very clear to me, that the government will want an account of all the monies I get. Also, the peoples names that sent me any money, as they have done this all along. Phil said, "if there are persons that want to help you. (meaning me) they want an reply from you, and not anyone else." Phil knows, about money, that was collected in Miama, florida, that we never saw one cent of it, because some person who knew us, said they will give all the money to us." Believe me, when I say that many excuses had been made in regards to the money. However, I didn't see one cent of it...... You know we paid for an (AD) for a defense fund, with a box number, that, was a lesson in its self..... Anyway, I want the money coming here, if I'm to get any, with (no apologies to any one) which is only right..... You and I, both feel, this is the way, it should be done. Most of all, I'M not loking for trouble with the government. I persomally want to be in a position, to give them a true account of any monies that I receive. I can't remember, when I have been as broke as I am today. My rent is past due, and with only a few dollars on me. I'm in low spirits..... I would go to the state welfare, if I thought they would pay my rent,... Food, I could do without, for a few days. On November 10th. A.C. Greene wrote a wonderful editorial, in the Dallas Times Herald, on our family. I called him after Henry Wade made a statement that he will recommend life in prison for Jack. But, we are going for a new trial. (murder without malice); as Jack is not going to get over five years. Henry Wade, knows that two policemen lied on the stand..... You are always in a hurry when you come here, and with many things on my mind. I never get to tell you all thats going on... A good friend of mind wrote to Merv Griffon, who a host on channel (4) krld, this station is sponsored by the times herald, maybe they will have AC Greene on for a interview in the, near future. He's all for Jack. Judge Brown was in New York on a local television interview. He made a liar of himself..... Thats all for now. Your Friend Eva[handwritten in blue ballpoint pen] P.S. My warmest regards to both of you. Are you coming Sunday?"The letter is creased from being folded and is slightly yellowed around the edges. There are hand-written corrections made with blue ballpoint pen throughout the letter.The envelope is type-addressed to:"GRACE BEVERSP.O. BOX 524Minerals Wells Texas"From (on back):"E.L. Grant3929 RawlinsDallas Texas 75219"It is postmarked: "DALLAS, TEX. 2A / PM / 2 DEC 1965" and stamped with a 5 cent U.S. postage stamp depicting George Washington.There is a handwritten note in pencil on the left side of the envelope that reads: "From: Jack Ruby's Sister"
Letter and envelope from Eva Grant to Grace Bevers dated December 2, 1965
Ruby, Jack
Grant, Eva
Bevers, Grace
Mineral Wells
11 x 8 1/2 in. (27.9 x 21.6 cm)
Bevers Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza