Rights and Reproductions

The Museum welcomes requests for reproductions and licensing of materials from the collections. Please complete the Rights and Reproductions Request Form below to request permission to reproduce and/or license materials from the collections—including oral histories, photographs, films and videos.

For further information or questions, please contact registrar@jfk.org.

Rights and Reproductions Request Form

Submit this form to request reproductions or permission to use content from the Museum’s collections and receive information about fees and licensing. Please note that the Museum receives a high volume of requests, and you should allow up to three weeks for review and processing. Once your request is reviewed, a Museum representative will contact you with further information pertaining to your specific request, including any relevant fees.

Please provide all relevant information and details. Provided information is used to evaluate each request and determine any appropriate reproduction and/or license fees. Please note that the Museum does not license material in perpetuity or for the blanket term “all media.” Licenses can only be obtained for terms of specific length and for specified, currently existing media.